"How much is this, this …?" Forget it for half a day, still wondering, she looked at Xu Xuan with bright eyes and tried to find the answer from him.


"How do I know my arithmetic is taught by the PE teacher …"
Chapter 244 The legacy of the Five Peaks (5)
Although Xu Xuan said that "arithmetic is taught by physical education teachers" and "don’t ask me", others didn’t understand much, but in his heart, he had already figured out that past lives was sensitive to money, so that he could make an estimate of things after a rough look.
Three or four hundred gold bricks, each weighing …
He thought about picking up a piece and throwing it in his hand to weigh it.
It’s no wonder that the golden brick is cold and feels good in your hand. It’s hard for people to feel bad about such precious things-people don’t have a hard time with money, especially since it still belongs to them.
I threw a few such throwing moves at random, because the weight of the BRICS is not as easy and enjoyable as it looks. That’s how he estimated everything in this clumsy process, but it certainly won’t reach two kilograms, totaling more than 300 pieces, which is about 600 kilograms … If we make an equivalent according to the price of rice, we can estimate the approximate value limit of this batch of BRICS.
He is familiar with the measurement that one tael of silver can buy back two stones of rice. Then the rice that one tael of silver can buy back is more than 370 kilograms. If it is replaced by later generations’ soft sister coins … The money needed for a catty of rice is less than two pieces of soft sister coins.
And then convert gold into silver …
He swallowed his voice slightly, and then his mood became a little impetuous, so that the original conversion was not complicated, but it became a little difficult.
The equation of total brain has not achieved the final result …
My eyes are still just a box, thinking that what Liu Er said earlier is like this. It seems that his life will lose his motivation.
It’s no longer a matter of how many years of struggle with the money, so there is no need to struggle any more.
Of course, this idea is just an idea. The reality will definitely not be like this. Although Mu Yunhuai is dead, in the final analysis, Xu Xuanshi is just a little ahead. Then Liu Shouyi and Ling Huchu have no possibility of confrontation no matter which side of pressure comes over him.
Even Zhang Rang-yan doesn’t feel that he has any confrontation with the other side. Speaking of it, it is a strange feeling. He feels that even if Zhang Rang-yan loses once, he will not really lose to the point of legal recovery.
These enemies are all desperate people, but they want him to commit suicide by caesarean section after he can’t do it … Is this kind of practice actually existing in this era? I didn’t note it before … It’s really terrible.
But it’s better to die
Of course, although the final specific ownership of these treasures is still a matter to be determined, some of them must be him, who will not change or retreat. Although money is Sun Lun’s previous life or this life, he doesn’t pay too much attention to it, but he can’t move without money. The theoretical era and the place are the same. If he is stumped by this Sun, he still has a lot of things to do.
Although he probably won’t be short of money after operating and accumulating on his own, it’s bound to be changed from time to time, so the price/performance ratio is somewhat low. If these treasures come in front of him and are convenient for those things that belong to him … Well, the unearthed cultural relics barely count as being a good citizen and paying the country. Of course, awards will definitely be needed
He found reasons in his heart and made some self-understanding about some situations that he was not willing to face. Such similar ideas were also slightly spread in his mind and then let go.
Zheng Wanyi put the gold bricks in a cloth bag not far away, and I don’t know where the cloth bag came from, or she had been carrying the gold bricks with her and threw them into the cloth bag. The sound of "ding-ding-dong" sounded with it. Obviously, Xu Xuan noticed that she had been doing this for a long time.
"Sister!" Fang Yuanfu glanced at Zheng Wanyi with a frown, but then he didn’t say anything to blame her. Probably because of the treasure, he found that he was in a good mood. Zheng Wanyi paused slightly because of Fang Yuanfu’s calling, and then saw that he didn’t have a follow-up reaction, so he continued to stretch out his hand to catch the BRICS faster than before.
The eyes around the box have been calm for a long time, and all of them have not seen so much property together when they live to their present age
"Take it easy, take it easy … and then you are so easy to die suddenly." Xu Xuan said at Zheng Wanyi’s finger "point, point, point, point". Just look at him and you will know that others are not easy.
After complaining a few words, the old six in the grotto went to "Hua La" for a while. Obviously, another box was found from the water and then moved.
It’s not the same as the previous tin parcel box. This time, the box is wrapped tightly with cowhide. Even if it has been in the water for a long time, the cowhide is still intact, and the box is not heavy. Even Xu Xuan can climb the edge of the box with both hands.
In this way, people can guess that what is contained in it is probably something fragile or easily damaged. Of course, the value of this kind of thing is not only judged by the weight, but also by being dragged out of the cave by the people with the silt box, and then it is much shorter when it is played by moonlight or by Kong surnamed Han.
After the box was hit, Zheng Wanyi couldn’t wait to gather together in the past. Previously, she had packed a bag of gold bricks, but she was still not satisfied.
"Eating is really ugly."
Xu Xuan complained a little, and then looked at the trunk. It was different from the previous situation. This time, he showed some surprised eyes.
The strange things in the box don’t seem to be gold and silver, but some wooden boards wrapped in brocade, which are of good texture, but their eyes are full of things, some patterns of men and women
"Alas … playing hooligans" Zheng Wanyi stretched out his hand and flipped a few times. After looking at it for a few times, he covered his eyes with his hands and shouted a little. His face turned red and he looked at Fang Yuanfu consciously before he could rest assured. At this time, his men showed some ambiguous expressions.
This should be Ukiyo-e painting … Has it already appeared at this time? For these paintings, Xu Xuan is the most qualified judge, and after a little doubt, he looks carefully
Ukiyo-e painting is a kind of painting form, which was first broadcast from China to Japan, and then gradually developed into a multi-color printed wooden painting, which was a unique painting form in the Rijiang period. When the Japanese art world was active for hundreds of years,
Speaking of the rise of Ukiyo-e painting, it is probably also the time when the Japanese or the man named Tokugawa Ieyasu over there in Fusanghai has set up a shogunate called Jiang, which will gradually develop into a political and cultural center, and Ukiyo-e painting has developed with the prosperity of Jiang.
Some situations in the Great Dynasty were similar to those in Fusang during this period, and the market culture there had gradually flourished, and the demand for printed materials had greatly increased. Therefore, Ukiyo-e painting was brewed, which generally means that vain world painting depicts fleeting clouds and instant happiness. It directly shows the common people and scenes in life, such as beauty, geisha, dancer, chivalrous woman, prostitute, caricature, genre painting, tales of mystery, flower street and Liuxiang, red house and green pavilion, and tourist scenery.
The long faces and white skin of men and women painted by eye woodcut paintings are not good-looking, but it is what is in these boxes that should be extremely precious for future generations.
Ukiyo-e paintings are not attractive to people in the Jianghu. What people are curious about is that some pictures are outlined by those ukiyo-e paintings-it is no wonder that Zheng Wanyi has become a little shy because of this, and it is probably because of the description of the face that these ukiyo-e paintings will become Wang Zhi collections.
The grottoes are obviously short and quiet, but such silence is obviously a kind of brewing. Everyone at the entrance of the grottoes is waiting to be shocked again with some expectation.
The impact of snow and snow on Rock Town is not that many people are more peaceful in their sleep than in the past after heavy snow. Of course, many people can’t sleep anyway. These situations mainly occur in some residents who are close to the county government.
It’s been a long time since the killing sound sounded, and even the wooden people already know that the eye situation is not the usual fighting, but has risen to the real killing with swords and swords.
How could this happen?
For the residents of Rock Town, life is generally peaceful on weekdays, and even if they work hard and are busy occasionally, these bloody smells are absolutely dry, so after the curiosity has passed, all in their hearts are faint fears.
At this time, an official came and knocked on the door from door to door to drive some bystanders back.
Some people will ask a few questions about the eye condition because they are familiar with individual officials, but the answers they get later are not satisfactory.
"If you don’t want to die, don’t ask too much. If you know too much, you will die quickly."
Because the dead people were in a bad mood, they all replied with impatience. Those dead companions were still working together during the day and were busy with some things around the year, but at this moment, they were lying in the snow and waiting to be collected. These past bodies were already cold
In general, my official’s officers usually deal with the oppression of some civilians in Rock Town. Although it is rare, in general, there is still a sense of superiority in their attitude in the process of dealing with them, even if some local ruffians are there, but if they study it closely, it is really ridiculous that there is no support for superiority. After killing some people tonight, they feel small and face some things, but then they don’t want to think about it in frustration.
Not far from the county government, some places shouted the killing sound for a long time, but it was still small after all. People went to nearby places to hide at home and listen to the sound through the wall. They also knew that even if things came out, they didn’t know which side won the final victory … To be honest, they didn’t know the true identity of both sides.
Liu Shouyi listened to the movement of the courtyard through the courtyard wall. The situation was quickly stabilized after Linghu Chu went in. Later, the Tsing Yi woman drew her sword and looked at Liu Shouyi coldly and said, "You can keep your word …"
Liu Shouyi smell speech picked his eyebrows and then shook his head and smiled. "What the official said is not deceiving you. You … the man is just being picked off by people, and it’s not long. Although I can’t guarantee that he will be able to walk around like an ordinary person … Oh, this is still ok." He paused a little here. "The official has been realistic to the famous doctor. Now you are a man. I still don’t know this news … and I will arrange for him to heal you when things are over.
"If it’s like an ordinary person … this seems to be different from what you promised earlier." Pei Tsing Yi said and frowned slightly. This is the first time Liu Shouyi has seen each other write some emotions so clearly.

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在这个繁忙的都市中,武汉光谷的街头巷尾总是弥漫着浓郁的茶香。一杯热茶,不仅能够驱散疲惫,更能让人在忙碌的生活中找到片刻的宁静。今天,就让我们一起走进武汉光谷,感受这里独特的茶文化。 走进光谷,映入眼帘的是一排排整齐的茶馆。这些茶馆风格各异,既有传统的木质结构,也有现代化的玻璃幕墙。茶馆里,人们或围坐在一起,或独自品味,沉浸在茶的世界中。 在一家名为“茶香阁”的茶馆里,我们看到了一幅独特的画面。一位身着汉服的女子正泡茶,她的动作优雅而娴熟,仿佛在演绎着一曲优美的茶艺舞蹈。她手中的茶壶轻轻倾倒,茶水顺着茶杯的边缘缓缓流淌,宛如一条丝带,将茶香传递到每个人的心间。 茶馆内,顾客们或品茗谈天,或低头沉思。一位老者正悠然自得地品着茶,他的眼神中透露出岁月的沉淀。旁边,一位年轻女子正与朋友分享着茶香,她们脸上洋溢着幸福的笑容。这里,仿佛是一个远离尘嚣的世外桃源。 茶馆的角落里,摆放着各种茶具。有古朴的紫砂壶,也有精美的瓷器。这些茶具见证了茶文化的传承,也承载着茶人们的情感。在茶馆的一角,还摆放着一些关于茶的历史书籍,供茶客们翻阅。 光谷的茶馆不仅提供茶水,还有各种茶点。这些茶点种类繁多,有糕点、小吃、水果等。顾客们可以根据自己的口味选择。在品尝茶点的同时,还可以欣赏到茶馆里的书法、绘画等艺术品,让人们在品味茶香的同时,也能感受到艺术的魅力。 茶馆的老板告诉我们,光谷的茶文化有着悠久的历史。早在唐朝时期,光谷就是茶叶的重要产地。如今,光谷的茶馆已经成为人们休闲、交友的好去处。在这里,人们不仅可以品尝到正宗的茶香,还能感受到浓厚的文化氛围。 傍晚时分,阳光洒在茶馆的门口,照亮了每个人的脸庞。茶馆里,人们依然沉浸在这片茶香之中。这里的茶文化,如同武汉这座城市一样,充满着活力与魅力。在这里,我们找到了生活的真谛,也找到了内心的宁静。 武汉光谷的茶馆,成为了这座城市一道独特的风景线。在这里,茶香与生活交织,文化与情感交融。让我们共同品味这杯茶香,感受光谷的独特魅力。



2020年,一场突如其来的新冠疫情让武汉这座千年古都按下了暂停键。在这段特殊时期,武汉的夜生活也发生了翻天覆地的变化。然而,随着疫情逐渐得到控制,武汉的夜生活也逐渐复苏,展现出这座城市的独特魅力。 夜幕降临,华灯初上,武汉的街头巷尾再次热闹起来。江滩公园重新开放,人们纷纷来到这里散步、聊天、拍照。江边的灯光秀美轮美奂,映照着长江的波光粼粼,犹如一幅流动的画卷。而那些熟悉的小吃摊、烧烤摊也重新营业,热干面、豆皮、烧烤等美食香气四溢,让人垂涎欲滴。 在武汉市东西湖区码头潭文化遗址公园,一场盛大的啤酒节正在如火如荼地进行。各式各样的啤酒琳琅满目,让人目不暇接。现场还有乐队演出,摇滚、民谣、流行歌曲轮番上演,吸引了众多市民前来观看。大家在这里畅饮、欢歌、笑语,仿佛忘记了疫情的阴霾,重拾了往日的欢乐。 除了啤酒节,武汉的夜生活还有许多其他精彩内容。知音号游船复航,游客们可以穿上民国服饰,乘坐游船欣赏长江两岸的美景,感受老汉口的别样风情。而江汉路步行街、户部巷、楚河汉街等著名商圈也恢复了往日的繁华,市民和游客们在这里逛街、购物、品尝美食,享受着城市的夜生活。 值得一提的是,疫情期间,武汉的夜生活也发生了一些改变。为了保障市民的健康安全,许多商家实行了预约制度,避免人员聚集。同时,一些线下活动改为线上举办,如线上音乐会、网络直播等,让市民在疫情期间也能享受到丰富的文化生活。 尽管疫情给武汉的夜生活带来了诸多不便,但这座城市的人民始终保持着乐观向上的精神。在夜幕下的武汉,我们看到了希望,看到了这座城市不屈不挠、顽强拼搏的精神风貌。 随着疫情形势的持续向好,武汉的夜生活将更加丰富多彩。相信在不久的将来,武汉这座英雄城市一定会焕发出更加耀眼的光芒,让夜幕下的武汉更加精彩。



《武汉夜生活新体验:夜游武汉黄鹤楼》 武汉,这座历史与现代交融的城市,不仅以其白天的繁华和底蕴著称,更在夜晚呈现出另一番迷人的风貌。近年来,武汉黄鹤楼夜游成为了当地夜生活的新亮点,为游客们带来了一场别开生面的文化盛宴。 黄鹤楼,这座屹立在长江之滨的千年古楼,自古以来就是文人墨客挥洒诗篇的地方。如今,黄鹤楼夜游以其独特的光影秀和沉浸式表演,让这座名楼在夜幕下焕发出新的生机。 夜游黄鹤楼,首先映入眼帘的是园内光影秀《夜上黄鹤楼》。这场光影秀以黄鹤仙子为主角,选取园内八处景点,运用现代光影技术展现黄鹤楼仙文化的传说。当夜幕降临,灯光亮起,黄鹤楼仿佛化身为一位仙子,在夜色中翩翩起舞。光影与建筑完美融合,为游客们呈现出一幅幅如梦如幻的画面。 在黄鹤楼夜游中,游客们还可以欣赏到沉浸式演绎表演。古风唐宫夜宴舞蹈《青城山下》在主广场前上演,才子佳人间的爱情故事在乐曲与舞姿中娓娓道来。而《鹤舞千秋》光影演艺则带领游客们穿越时空,共同见证黄鹤楼千百年来跌宕起伏的命运。 除了光影秀和演绎表演,黄鹤楼夜游还新增了多种互动游戏,如“缘分传送”、“花间投壶”、“月下传书”等,让游客们在游玩的同时,也能感受到浓厚的文化氛围。 值得一提的是,黄鹤楼夜游还特别推出了汉服票,让游客们穿上汉服,漫步名楼步道,拍照打卡,体验一把穿越千年的古风韵味。此外,对于穿汉服的游客,还有门票优惠,让这份体验更加美好。 夜游黄鹤楼不仅是一场视觉盛宴,更是一次心灵的洗礼。游客们在这里不仅可以欣赏到美丽的夜景,还能感受到深厚的文化底蕴。当夜幕降临,华灯初上,黄鹤楼成为了一座金光四射的宝塔,自豪地矗立在蛇山之巅,成为武汉夜生活的璀璨明珠。 总的来说,夜游黄鹤楼是武汉夜生活的新体验,它将传统与现代、历史与科技完美融合,为游客们带来了一场难忘的文化之旅。在这个夜晚,让我们一起走进黄鹤楼,感受千年名楼的非凡气韵,体验武汉夜生活的独特魅力。
